Meet Michael
HBK Principal and Director of HBK High Performance Michael Ross helps companies become more productive and profitable by creating better cultures. He has worked with hundreds of business owners and executives, from large corporations to small businesses, helping them become more effective leaders who inspire their employees and grow their revenues. His dynamic leadership programs have reshaped companies, from stagnation and paralysis to highly competitive and successful organizations. Organizations that engage Michael and his dynamic leadership programs become leaders in their fields.
As a college athlete, then during his service with the United States Navy, Michael learned that intentional actions combined with strategic disciplines can create exceptional outcomes. He witnessed firsthand the power of unified teams and quality leadership. In building his firm and programs, he has parlayed his experience, education, and a rare skill to help leaders clarify their vision and effect real behavioral change in their organizations. His Dynamic Leadership programs train executives to be leaders, to grow their businesses by creating and fostering a culture that puts employees in a position of strength and power operating with the knowledge that they are contributing to a cause greater than themselves.